Великолепный новостной шаблон для CMS Joomla! от студии YouJoomla - YJ YouNews. Для шаблона специально были созданы стили оформления популярных моделей You Weather, You News Slider, YJ News Slider 10 и YJ Newsflash 7.0. Также был создан абсолютно новый модуль YJ NS 8.0 module.
Название: YJ You Fauna
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: This Joomla template is dedicated to all animal lovers. With clean blog style and beautiful colors your will fall in love fast with it's simplicity and ease of use. Custom build in YJ Image Slider 3.0 and YJ Newsflash 3.0 overrides , take care of the site layout.
Название: YJ YouFashion
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Youfashion is very unique and we gave our 110% to bring you this beauty. With Youfashion Demo starter pack you also get the YJ Image Slider 3.0 Joomla module.
Название: YJ You Tutorials
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: You Tutorials Joomla Personal Blogger template is available for download. Enhanced with new Mootools sliding tabs , 3 amazing color styles, 19 module positions and more.
Название: YJ NewsLine II
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Newsline II is here ! V2 of ultimate Joomla News portal. Newsline II template comes with new tricks and extended content that can help you get your site up and running in no time. In this version we included 2 FLV players . Famous JW FLV player and FREE Youjoomla FLV player will help you present your latest news videos and give your users one more reason to stay and come back for more.
Название: YJ NewsLine
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Ultimate Joomla News Portal Template. Following the giants like ABC News CNN and NY Times, Youjoomla Team combined the best features from all and put it in one Joomla Template. With whooping 23 module positions, 2 sliding shelves, rich typography and 2 new modules, you will finally have a chance to compete in news world.
Название: YJ University
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Educational Joomla Template with more features and new framework. Since Joomla 1.5 is reaching it's highest peak, Youjoomla team has decided to give our members more options. University template comes with additional Joomla 1.5 Demo Starter Pack and Image Slider Module J1.5 Native.
Название: YJ Innovative Lab
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Innovative Lab Web 2.0 style for your business ,blog or portfolio site. With all standard Youjoomla Templates Club features , fresh typography styles, Suckerfish and SMooth dropdown menu, 3 fresh color styles, additional module layouts, build in IE6 PNG fix , mootools smooth scroll and much more. Innovative Lab has unique layout style and is easy to customize to suite all your Joomla needs.
Название: YJ JClick
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: JClick City Portal Joomla Template. Suitable for your portal, news site , business presentation, advertising web site and more. JClick is clean, feature full joomla template that is simple to use and manage. With 21 module positions , Jclick gives you enough room to present your content.
Название: YJ My Photo
Студия: YouJoomla!
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: My Photo Joomla Template. Unique design and plenty options for end users.Folowing fatures are custom build in for your Joomla Templates designing pleasure This time we continue to promote great extentions from our dear friends at joomlaworks. My Photo comes with build in features for Simple Image Rotator.