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Главная Шаблоны для Joomla 1.5
Название: JA Kulanite
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: The new clean and professional design is a good match for those who run an online retail business as well as products review. Using our approach of a creative design philosophy, the style drives you towards simplicity while helpfully conveying your ideas.
Название: JA Iolite
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Outstanding with two strongly contrast sets of color, dark and white, JA Iolite relatively separates your contents into different zones. The header area sees the spotlight of key texts enhanced with illustrated images where will greatly go with introduction part of your site.
Название: JA Helio
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: JA Helio is the right template for you. Our brand new module, JA NewsMooNew grants you a space to highlight images together with brief text description. The images switch softly upon the cursor hover. In addition, JA SlideShow module is an add-on spotlight to present your products in a form of slideshow.
Название: JA Galena
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: JA Galena communicates intense feelings with its dark color scheme, impressive background and the transparency navigation system with a description for each menu item.
Название: JA Teline II
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: JA Teline II sees various user-friendly and magazine-oriented functions covering widely from news highlights, image handling, video stream, multi-categories organization to smart navigation system
Название: JA Fedora
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Corporate Business type websites are interestingly popular, however not usually because of their design. Together with 3 menu systems (Split Menu, CSS Menu and Moo Menu) and 4 superb colours (Blue, Orange, Green and Red) we've incorporated a JoomlArt first - a Mootools based popup system built into your Joomla system!
Простой, качественный и быстрый шаблон Joomla! для создания бизнес сайта. Шаблон имеет минималистичный стиль оформления и содержит встроенное меню: Split Menu, CSS Menu, Moo Menu и the Dropline Menu. Совместимость шаблона c Joomla! 1.0/1.5/1.6
Название: JA Dravity
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: JA Dravity has been produced to help you create a visually appealing website, without giving up features that are enchanced with JA Dravity. And as always, we included a few bonuses - JA News and multiple menu types to choose from.
Название: JA Corona
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: JA Corona has aspects inspired from visual styles that are similar to Windows Vista theme with glass effects, subtle animations, and other advanced graphical effects such as those found on navigation system.
Название: JA Barite
Студия: JoomlArt
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: JA Barite is the first template which is released under such approach.


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