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Название: i-Lunar
Студия: iTemplater
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: i-Lunar is a Joomla 1.5 native template. This template gives you a 3d sense, due to the header background. Loaded with module positions will give your site the best of looks.
Название: i-Giraffe
Студия: iTemplater
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: i-Giraffe is a Joomla 1.5 native template. This attractive template is great for personal sites of designers and freelancers.
Название: i-Cocoint
Студия: iTemplater
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: i-Cocoint is a Joomla 1.5 native template. This template is ideal for companies who want to showcase their products. Features flash menu and titles.
Название: i-Apollo
Студия: iTemplater
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: i-Apollo is a Joomla 1.5 native template. This template is loaded with module positions and can be used for portals, business or other types of sites.
Название: IT Primavera
Студия: IceTheme
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | sql данные
Описание: As the first release in 2008 IceTheme begin with an special template: IT Primavera! IceTheme has worked hard to make this templates as much accessible and usable as possible. It is also very simple and has lot of white space. We guarantee that your users will love your new website! It features a three layout scheme to make it work properly on different screen resolutions.
Название: YT Scoop
Студия: YooTheme
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Content is king! The Scoop template is the ideal solution if you want to create a news site, magazine or blog. If you need an unobtrusive template that does not distract your users but makes them focus on your content, go and get the Scoop template!
Название: RT Akiraka Essentials
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон
Описание: Akiraka Essentials is a lighter weight, faster loading modification of the popular Akiraka template, featuring the functional and powerful Color Chooser. This, tied with the clean, low image design and wondrous additions such as RokCandy, RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch sets the stage for unlimited possibilities.
Название: YT Pinboard
Студия: YooTheme
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Put it on your wall! Our february template Pinboard is made of 5 different materials and you also get to choose from a wide range of nice wallpapers. More than 210 combinations are possible.
Название: RT Akiraka
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт | расширения
Описание: Akiraka introduces that incredibly functional and powerful Color Chooser, an administrator parameter addition that allows you to change the entire style of your site within seconds. This, tied with the fully transparent design and wondrous additions such as RokCandy, RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch sets the stage for unlimited possibilities.
Название: S5 New Architect
Студия: Shape5
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт | расширения
Описание: New Architect was designed to have a distinct non-Joomla look. The template consists of an inset position that is great for displaying an image rotator or similar method to show off your website products or services. The template includes the S5 Box drop in style and 2 other tabs for quick access for registration and login.


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