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Главная Шаблоны для Joomla 1.5
Название: RT Perihelion
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Perihelion not only features a unique design, but it also offers the same adaptability and powerful features RocketTheme templates are known for. The RokNewsRotator content presentation module and an incredible 32 module positions mean that you can enjoy this unique style without sacrificing versatility.
Название: RT Synapse
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: The Synapse template was created to provide a beautiful design focused on elegance and variety. Synapse comes bundled with 10 beautifully rich style variations, a versatile 20 module positions, and a whole slew of preset font configurations. The style variants allow you to utilize Synapse in a range of different sites to suit your needs.
Название: RT Simplix
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Simplix features a smooth and subtle design perfect for any project. Designer touches like the transparent content area with a customizable background image as well as a heap of typography icons and options give you the ability to spice up your content and draw attention to key areas.
Название: RT Replicant
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Replicant combines a sleek and simple portal layout with stylish glassy transparent elements and independently configurable elements. Not only does Replicant allow you change the whole look of your site just by changing the background image, but it is also packed full of the great features and extensions you’ve come to expect from RocketTheme templates.
Название: RT Elemental
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Elemental presents a unique design that has the 4 major elements of the template design separated so they can be independently configured, giving you the ability to mix and match the colors of the template and create over 900 possible color configurations. And colors are only the beginning!
Название: RT ColorMatic
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: ColorMatic features a fresh and clean Web 2.0 design and continues the strong RocketTheme tradition of full featured templates with lots of goodies and capabilities including an unprecedented 15 color variations built in that will enable your site to stand out from the pack.
Название: RT Versatility III
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: Versatility III combines the versatile layout from the immensely popular Versatility template series with the modern feel, features, and exciting color variations that made last month’s ColorMatic template such a big hit; stir in some amazing new features and functionality and we have a recipe for a great template that is perfect for any project.
Название: RT BentoBox
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: BentoBox features 3 light, and 3 dark styles. Although structurally the same, these two template bases create very different designs and allow for an extremely varied array of uses. Also, BentoBox uses a variation of a new CSS technique to provide a completely table-less design with a minimum of CSS hacks while still retaining module collapsing capabilities.
Название: RT Sporticus News
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: Sporticus News is a bonus template this month based on the very popular Sporticus series of templates. This version is a nice light design and has been created specifically for professional looking news sites. To emphasize this we’ve created styles specifically for iJoomla’s brand-new news component.
Название: RT Vortex
Студия: RocketTheme
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: This colorful and solid design is perfect for all types of sites whether they are professional business sites or community and entertainment portals. Vortex is also packed full of features including the icon based ButtonMenu system.


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