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Главная Компоненты Extensions for Joomla by Phill Taylor
Extensions for Joomla by Phill Taylor
Сборник расширений для Joomla! от разработчика Phill Taylor.

В сборник вошли:

  • AkoForms Component
  • mosDirectory v2.2.4
  • mosKnowledgeBase v0.6
  • mosListMessenger v2.0.6
  • Multisites Site Manager v1.0.3
  • Phil a form v1.2.00
  • mosIPN v2.5.1
  • mosGuestBook v2.0
  • MosLock v2.8
  • MyPMS Pro
  • SEF Advance v4.2.2

Описание на английском:

  1. AkoForms Mambo Component - AkoForms is a fully integrated form mailer component for Joomla!/Mambo CMS. It was especially developed to set up forms inside Joomla!/Mambo fast and simple.
  2. mosDirectory v2.2.4 - mosDirectory is a Joomla Component for creating a web based directory like yellow pages by using Joomla!
  3. mosGuestBook v2.0 - With this component you will be able to let visitors leave their own little personal stamp on your website. Written to take advantage of all features in Joomla/Mambo you can now accept comments on your site and even get instant notification when comments are left.
  4. mosIPN v2.5.1 - mosIPN takes orders made by PayPal and delivers the software or digital download by Email to the purchaser.
  5. mosKnowledgeBase v0.6 - mosKnowledgebase is a Component for creating and managing a complete Knowledgebase system easily all within Joomla!
  6. mosListMessenger v2.0.6 - mosListMessenger is a mailing list component for Joomla, allowing you to send emails to 1000's of people using Joomla!
  7. mosLock v2.8 - mo  sLock takes orders made by PayPal and creates registered users on your Joomla website. Use this to charge for entry to your Joomla site.
  8. Multisites Site Manager v1.0.3 - A new component from elearningforce.dk, this is one of the few components currently available for Joomla that will allow you to manage multiple Joomla websites. The component is advertised as a tool to set up an elearning website. By creating new Joomla websites for "courses" you are able to quickly clone a base Joomla installation and transfer users. On closer examination, this component might be useful to anyone that needs to maintain more than one Joomla website, learning or otherwise.
  9. MyPMS Pro - MyPMS is a professional private messaging system designed specially for powerful Joomla!/Mambo CMS. This script is a full blown private messaging solution that enables users to send messages to other users and have full control over their messages. Among the features: Multiple boxes, Fully backend configuration, Mambo native templating system, User Support Features (for admins), multilanguage support, multiple(bulk) messages, message tracking, Enhanced User Profiles, Mambo 4.5.0 and 4.5.1a Compatibility, Community Builder - SimpleBoard Support, Realtime message check and so many other features.
  10. Phil-A-form v1.2.00 - Phil-A-Form allows Joomla!/Mambo admins to easily create complex dynamic forms using this component on their Joomla!/Mambo site, quickly with no programming knowledge!
  11. SEF Advance v4.2.2 - SEF advance is a Joomla!/Mambo addon which will extend built-in search engine friendly URL functionality and raise it on a higher level. Instead of ordinary SEF URLs like.
Совместимость: Joomla! 1.0.x - Mambo 4.5.x
Размер: 2.99Mb


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