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Название: NJ El Gancia
Студия: NeoJoomla
Joomla! 1.0.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: El Gancia is a neutral template, that can be used in many situations like communication, e-commerce, blog or company portal, especially for marketing, trade or art professional.
Название: NJ Sport is Web
Студия: NeoJoomla
Joomla! 1.0.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: The March Template Club is really amazing by proposing Sport's Web, a template dedicated to sporting websites, several identities are proposed such as football, rugby, basketball, volley ball or baseball.
Название: NJ EasyJoom
Студия: NeoJoomla
Joomla! 1.0.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: EasyJoom is a template pluri-fields, its design neutral makes it possible to use it in various types of activities, such as the site window of company, the informative gate or the blog.
Название: NJ Summer Week
Студия: NeoJoomla
Joomla! 1.0.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: Summer Week, a sober and purified design, perfectly adapted for your site directed notebooks of holidays or portfolio. That is with the sea, the mountain or the countryside you will be able to emphasize your more beautiful photographs and your more beautiful memories.
Название: NJ Free-ur-Mind
Студия: NeoJoomla
Joomla! 1.0.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: The template club becomes free spirit and propose to you Free-ur-Mind. A sober design, light and pastel, this template is suited for any type of project, the blog, the travel book, the portfolio and many others.
Название: NJ Twin Media
Студия: NeoJoomla
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: TwinMedia in mind corporate using bright colors, allowing you to highlight your company. It will also fit on any other types of projects.
Название: JB Wood Flower
Студия: JoomlaBamboo
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | быстрый старт | исходники
Описание: Wood Flower is a rich and elegant Joomla template with diverse colour and layout options. Wood Flower is the first template to be built using our new framework which provides an amazing amount of flexibility and control over the way you implement the template. Creating your own unique theme will never be the same again.
Название: YT Mellow
Студия: YooTheme
Joomla! 1.5.x - 1.6.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | быстрый старт
Описание: You can use Mellow for all kinds of purposes ... it presents your content in the proper light. And please pay attention to the nice three-dimensional menu tab design! And of course Mellow is based on the Warp5 Joomla template framework.
Название: IT ViewPoint
Студия: IceTheme
Joomla! 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники | sql данные
Описание: Joomla! is one of the most powerful and advanced, yet simple to use, Content Management System (CMS) around the world. The same is for our Templates! They all are build-in advanced conception models while maintaining simplicity in the layout and design, especially our September 09 Joomla Template - IT ViewPoint.
Название: JP FruitBasket
Студия: JoomlaPraise
Joomla! 1.0.x - 1.5.x
В архиве: шаблон | исходники
Описание: FruitBasket - это великолепное сочетания шаблона из 6 цветовых вариаций, 12 позиций для размещения модулей, быстрая смена бекграунда, легкая и быстрая смена ширины шаблона и модулей как в пикселах так и в процентном соотношении.


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